Course – About The OC and SS Test

About Mr Tim's Classroom

About The OC and SS Test

Modality – Face to Face/Online
Course: 10 Lessons x 2 Hours (20 hours)
Online: $700 + GST
F2F: $780 + GST

Opportunity Class Test

Opportunity Classes (OC) are for high-achieving students to further enhance their critical thinking skills. The majority of students successfully admitted to one of the 77 OC primary schools across NSW, go on to receive a Selective School placement. The OC Test comprises of 3 parts: Reading, Mathematical Reasoning, and Thinking Skills.

Test Overview

Reading – 35 multiple choice questions in 40 minutes

The Opportunity Class Reading Comprehension component are multiple choice questions that measure your child’s ability to inference and interpret meaning from a passage and then problem solve to find out the answer. Reading passages could range from poems, novel extracts, cartoons and articles.

Mathematical Reasoning – 35 multiple choice questions in 40 minutes

The Mathematical Reasoning exam will examine a variety of topics including fractions, ratios, volumes, and percentages. While students may have encountered the topics at school, the questions in the OC Test are more difficult and complex in nature.

Thinking Skills – 30 multiple choice questions in 30 minutes

Although some visual pattern type problems may be found in the new test format, the other questions differ significantly from the old test format and are more psychometric. Many colleges have simply rebranded old, outdated general ability test material. The new exam focuses on problem solving and critical thinking questions split across two main components: numerical reasoning and logic based critical thinking. The numerical component of the test presents as mathematical questions, but the emphasis will be on problem solving. Understanding arguments and the ability to identify flaws in reasoning, form the logic based critical thinking component of the test.



Selective School Test

The Selective School Test is designed to measure students’ academic ability and critical thinking skills. There are 17 fully selective schools, 12 partially selective schools and 4 Agricultural high schools offering selective placement across NSW. To be considered for one of these coveted positions, your child’s performance is measured across four disciplines. The test consists of 3 multiple choice papers (reading, mathematical reasoning & thinking skills) and a writing test as shown below.

Test Overview

Thinking Skills – 40 multiple choice questions in 40 minutes

Designed to assess problem solving, critical and creative thinking skills. Test questions distributed across the following general foundational topics

  • Logical reasoning 60%
  • Mathematical reasoning 25%
  • Spatial reasoning 15%

Reading – 30 multiple choice questions in 40 minutes

Measures ability to infer and interpret meaning from a range of passages including poems, novel extracts, cartoons and articles. The test includes both multiple choice questions and cloze passage questions.

Mathematical Reasoning – 35 multiple choice questions in 40 minutes

Multiple choice questions across a range of skills including data interpretation, spatial awareness, measurement, number pattern, arithmetic, algebraic and geometric operations. Specifically designed to assess mental maths and formula recollection strategies to arrive at an answer quickly and accurately.

Writing – 30 minutes

Students are required to write either a creative, informative or persuasive text as per the given stimulus.

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