December 2, 2022 2022-12-02 7:28A – TESTING PAGE
About Mr Tim's Classroom
We are passionate about filling the literacy gaps for children grappling with English language skills.
Provide the highest standard of teaching utilising the very latest teaching methodologies and material.

Dear Parents,
Thank you for visiting our website. As a father of three, I appreciate the bewildering task of choosing suitable after school activities and educational products for your child. The marketplace is bursting with courses and colleges all competing for your hard-earned money with their various promises and formulas for success. As a university educated teacher, I have always been wary of the coaching college industry due to its self-regulated nature and lack of scrutiny from any governing body. It really is a matter of ‘buyer beware’ and due diligence is required when selecting an appropriate intervention for your child.
For more than 2 decades, I have been teaching children both in the public and private school systems. Over this time, I have noticed a decline in children’s basic literacy and numeracy skills as classroom teachers grapple with the ever-growing tide of an overcrowded syllabus. Children are under enormous pressure to perform as parents try to charter a course through the many education pathways on offer. Often this creates unnecessary anxiety, which children were not designed to navigate. Coaching or tutoring at the right time, with the right teacher can certainly help and I have made it my life’s mission to provide quality, personalised tuition for students in a holistic and child-friendly manner.
Following from the success of the 5 Step Writing Program, which has helped thousands of children develop their literacy skills across Sydney, our Opportunity Class (OC) and Selective School (SS) Preparation Programs are now available. These courses have been prepared in accordance with the new test guidelines and format. With contributions from published authors and experts in psychometric testing, our cutting-edge material delivers up-to-date questions and content in an engaging, interactive learning environment. Our fresh approach is to ‘teach’ the ‘skills’ as opposed to strictly drilling and hothousing children with endless trial tests of questionable relevance and quality.
Teaching is a craft and a calling. It’s a privilege to be entrusted with the education of a child. I am passionate about delivering the very best programs and content to all our students, and my teachers share the same vision. The team at Mr Tim’s Classroom look forward to welcoming you and partnering with you on your child’s learning journey.

• Post Graduate Diploma TESOL (Australian Catholic University)
• Bachelor Degree Health Science (University of Technology Sydney)
• Foundations of Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania)
• Graduate Certificate Migration Law (Melbourne University)
• International Certificate in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
• Certified in Seven Steps to Writing
• Speaking & Writing IELTS Examiner (Macquarie University)
• Certificate 1 & 2 Wellness Coaching
• Founder Y.E.S Education Centre - Head Teacher
• English Teacher and Teacher Trainer (South Korea)
• Teacher at Centre for English Teaching (The University of Sydney)
• Taekwondo Instructor - Kang's Taekwondo (4th Degree Black Belt)
• 22 Years Coaching & Tutoring Children
• Corporate Training for SMEs
(Korean Consulate General, Australia)
• Creator and Author of the 5 Step Writing Program
• Author Communicative Language Teaching Manual for Korean English Teachers
(Published 2004)
• Current Speech, Letter and Media Release Writer for City of Ryde Council - Deputy Mayor
• Published Author – Communicative Language Teaching Methodologies for Korean English Teachers - Kyonggido Education Office, South Korea
• Schools, Families and Learning - Research Project conducted by Western Sydney University and the University of Technology, Sydney – funded by the Australian Research Council. Headed by Professor Megan Watkins.